Together We Grow – Ka Tupu Kotāhi ai Tātou
Kia ora OVS whanau and Caregivers,
Unbelievably it is the end of week 8 already and that means just 2 action packed weeks to go! Please make sure you check out the dates and info for these events below…and, you are welcome to join us to celebrate what has been a fantastic year here at OVS.
A huge OVS congratulations to our R.U.R.U award winners.
Well done to Amelia, Shadith, Maverick and Nevaeh! Awesome Learning!

I would like to acknowledge all our students who participated so well at our recent school athletics day. It was great to see our OVS whanau there as well and we look forward to a bigger and better event next year… parents, consider this plenty of warning about the parent v kids relay next year …start training now!
Our students competed well at the Maungakaramea cluster day and it was also a pleasure to go and support our year 5 & 6 students selected to compete at the Whangarei Schools Athletics event on Wednesday. A special well done to Summer Harris who won the year 5 girls high jump. Another great OVS student flying high!
PTA Notices
Raffle – a reminder that raffle booklets were due back today (Friday 1st December). We still have a few booklets left to sell so please ask Jen if you can sell another one – or even a few tickets.
Purchases – this year Disco, Ag Day and the Milo/Moosie and Juicie days have pretty much covered the Hall Contribution and the Classroom grants so that teachers can buy extra stationery, wet weather games, Ag Day craft supplies etc.
We used some of the reserves to purchase the new sound system for the school.
Raffle money has been tagged to future school camps/trips.
Online fundraising shop – We have created an account with School Fundraising Shop NZ. At the checkout you can select Otaika Valley School and we will get 10% of the value of your purchases! Might be useful for Christmas shopping…
2024 – we are keen to get a few more ideas off the ground next year. We will be having a brainstorming session early in term 1 so if you have any ideas let us know! We’d love to be able to fund some more things around the school (lots of good ideas in the survey last term).
We’re also always keen to hear from anyone happy to help. This doesn’t have to mean attending meetings – if you’re interested in helping at events, like doing grant applications, are happy to write letters/approach businesses for sponsorship we’d love to hear from you 🙂
Thank you to all of you for your commitment to and support of our kids playing basketball this term/year! I hope they had fun. They have developed so much, not just physically within their game skills and fitness, but in their on court communication and team spirit and their confidence. It has been a pleasure to hang out with them and watch them enjoy this sport.

Term 4: Dates for your diary
Friday 1 December – Raffle Tickets due back
Wednesday 6 December – Pool Party Picnic for classroom…
Friday 8 December – Whole school Pirate Beach day
Tuesday 12 December – School Concert and Raffle draw 5.30pm
Wednesday 13 December – Splash Clash 1.00pm
Friday 15 December – End of Term 4 – school finishes at 12.30pm
Dates 2024
Please note for your calendar.
Term 1: 7 February – April 12.
Term 2: 29 April – 5 July
Term 3: 22 July – 27 September
Term 4: 14 October – 17 December