Week 6 Newsletter, Term 2 2024

Together We Grow  – Ka Tupu Kotāhi ai Tātou

Kia ora koutou whanau / parents

Star Spot – Celebrating Student Learning @ OVS

Every week at assembly we celebrate super OVS students, and this week’s shout out is to say a huge congratulations to our R.U.R.U award winners from the last two assemblies.
Well done to Isaac, Locky, Mahalia, and Santana! Awesome students and awesome Learning!
Star Spot – New students.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to Loma (Room 4) and Storiie (Room 1) who have joined us this week.

Haere mai ki te kura o Ōtāika Valley Loma and Storiie!


Structured Literacy

Staff are in full swing with this literacy initiative and are undertaking their next round of professional development on the 18th of June. Staff are already noticing some significant progress with students. If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher.

Kapa Haka Festival

Just a reminder that our first ever festival is on next Thursday (13th June) from 10-12pm. Ōtāika is hosting 3 schools, Waiotira, Maungakaramea and Portland, and each school will be sharing a 10-20 minute performance.
Parents and whanau are welcome to attend and the OVS PTA have organised a sausage sizzle, cake stall, Hangi and a Coffee Cart.


Our wonderful PTA needs help with 2 things

1 – Home baking to sell.  Please bring on the day.
2 – Parents to assist in the food stall. Please email pta@otaika.school.nz if you can help.


Come along, bring a folding chair and enjoy the performances!


10:00 – 10:20 Powhiri / Mihi Whakatau – Official opening

10:30 – 10:50 Te Kura o Tikorangi – Portland School

10.50 – 11:10 Maungakaramea School

11:10 – 11:30 Waiotira School

11:30 – 11.50 Ōtāika Valley School

11.50 – 12.00 Presentations, karakia whakamutunga

Please note all timings are approximate.


Our new Playground…so close

All our concreting and construction work is completed and we are now just awaiting the delivery of the ‘fall’ fill. This is expected next week and then our playground will be ready to go….our students are super excited!

Winter Ills and Chills!

With the change of season there are quite a few winter bugs going around at school.  Unfortunately winter bugs are “social butterflies” and love to get amongst everyone to mingle!
Below is a guide to help parents and caregivers determine whether their child is well enough to attend school…


Just a reminder to let Jen in the office know when your child is absent from school.  Please report your child absent either by phoning the office, using the HERO App, or via the school website.

Whangaeri Schools Waiata Day

Some of our senior Kapa Haka students have been selected to attend and participate in a waiata day with other schools on Friday 14th June. Students will be learning waiata from our area alongside other students from different schools in our Kahui Ako. This is a great leadership opportunity for these students, as they will help to teach these waiata to our own school later in the year.

Important Dates for Term 2

• 13 June – Thursday – Ōtāika Kapa Haka
• 27 June – Thursday – Morningside School Kapa Haka Festival
• 02 July – Tuesday – OVS Matariki night
• 05 July – Friday – Mid-Winter Pyjama Day (last day of term)


Term 2
29 April – 1st Day of Term 2
03 June – Kings Birthday (Public Holiday)
28 June – Matariki (Public Holiday)
05 July – Last Day of Term 2

Term 3
22 July – 1st Day of Term 3
27 September – Last Day of Term 3

Term 4
14 October – 1st Day of Term 4
28 October – Labour Day (Public Holiday)
TBC – Last Day of Term 4


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