12:28 Otaika Valley update from the Hill – re: Tsunami Warning

Kia ora Koutou,

Firstly all children are safe and happy with us in our neighbours paddock.  All have food and water, shade and sunblock.

Many parents have either not dropped their children off or taken them at the beginning of the day.

At this stage we are here for the day.

Instructions of finding us if we are still up the hill at 3pm

  • Parents to enter the paddock through the top carpark by R1 & 2
  • We may bring the children down closer to school at this time
  • If we are not visible from the carpark enter the gate and walk through the paddock above the top carpark – through the orchard, behind the house above R1 and we are in the paddock behind the house.

No After School Care today – as we may have been in a paddock for the whole day

  • Robyn will ring anyone who is booked in to cancel ASC for today

We hope you are all safe and remain that way.


Kind regards


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